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15,000 Doctors Leave Nigeria Over Low Pay, Medical Association Reports

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The Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) Kano State branch has revealed that around 15,000 doctors have left Nigeria as of 2024, citing inadequate remuneration as a key reason for the exodus. Speaking at a media conference, NMA Kano State Chairman Abdurrahman Ali addressed the challenges facing medical professionals and the urgent need for fair compensation to retain talent within the healthcare system.

Marking this year’s Physician Week under the theme, “Ensuring Universal Applicability in Remuneration: a Panacea to Talent Retention in the Healthcare System,” the association emphasized that fair pay is essential for recognizing the value and dedication of healthcare workers.

“Fair remuneration is more than just a salary figure; it’s recognition of our value,” Ali stated. “Adequate compensation reflects the time, emotional energy, and commitment healthcare professionals invest. When fairly respected, healthcare workers’ dedication to patient care strengthens, benefiting the larger health ecosystem.”

Ali urged the Kano State government to fulfill its agreement with the NMA regarding a revised hazard allowance, which could help close the gap in compensation between state and federal healthcare workers and mitigate the ongoing brain drain.

The NMA week includes a medical outreach in Bichi local government, offering free consultations, medications, and procedures, including dental and eye care, to the community.

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