Popular online activist Vincent Otse, known as “Very Dark Man” (VDM), made a dramatic appearance at the Ikeja High Court on Thursday, dressed in traditional Edo attire, as he prepared to face a defamation suit brought by renowned lawyer Femi Falana (SAN) and his son, musician and activist Folarin Falana, popularly known as Falz.
VDM was greeted by cheering fans outside the court, where proceedings were set to address allegations stemming from a video he posted on Sept. 24. The court had previously ordered him to remove the video, deeming it defamatory toward the Falanas.
The court session, initially ordered on Oct. 14 to proceed with summons served through VDM’s lawyer, Mr. Deji Adeyanju, was yet to begin at the time of this report.
[…] a challenging year marked by his own and the Princess of Wales’ cancer diagnoses, the King continues his royal duties. On his birthday, Charles […]