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Biden Approved New US Nuclear Strategy Targeting China’s Expanding Capabilities: Reports

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Biden Approved New US Nuclear Strategy Targeting China’s Expanding Capabilities: Reports

President Joe Biden authorized a new US nuclear strategy in March, known as the “Nuclear Employment Guidance,” which shifts focus towards China’s growing nuclear capabilities, according to a report by The New York Times on Tuesday. This marks a significant update in the US’s nuclear doctrine, which has traditionally centered on Russia. The highly classified document reportedly remains inaccessible digitally, with only limited paper copies available.

The strategy is updated every four years, and this latest revision reflects concerns over China’s rapidly expanding nuclear arsenal. Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy Vipin Narang noted earlier this month that Biden’s guidance takes into account the presence of “multiple nuclear-armed adversaries,” a scenario the US had not fully anticipated decades ago.

While the White House downplayed the update, with spokesman Sean Savett stating that the guidance is “not a response to any single entity, country, nor threat,” experts see China’s military advancements as a key factor. The Pentagon projects that China could double its operational nuclear warheads to over 1,000 by 2030, raising alarm over global nuclear readiness.

This strategic revision comes at a time of rising tensions between the US and its NATO allies on one side, and China and Russia on the other, particularly in the context of ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and concerns over Taiwan. Both Moscow and Beijing have accused the US of escalating global conflicts. In response, Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Senior Colonel Zhang Xiaogang recently urged the US to abandon its “Cold War mentality.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin also emphasized the cooperative nature of the Sino-Russian partnership during his May visit to China, stating that it is “not directed against anyone,” as both nations continue to assert their positions on the global stage.

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