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Cuba to Release 553 Prisoners After U.S. Removes Terrorism Sponsor Label

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Cuba’s government has announced plans to release 553 prisoners in response to a recent decision by the outgoing U.S. administration to remove the country from its list of state sponsors of terrorism.

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez welcomed the U.S. decision as a positive, albeit overdue, step. “Cuba should never have been included in the arbitrary list of state sponsors of terrorism,” Rodríguez stated on X, adding that the designation caused severe economic damage and hardships for the Cuban population.

Rodríguez emphasized the broader challenges faced by the island nation due to U.S. policies. “The persecution of fuel supplies, medical cooperation programs, financial transactions, and tourism remains in place. These measures, combined with the trade embargo enforced since 1962, have had devastating effects on our economy and fueled migration to the U.S.,” he noted.

The release of the prisoners, who were convicted of various crimes, will occur in stages, according to Cuba’s Foreign Ministry. However, details about the individuals set to be freed remain unclear. Human rights groups have pointed out that many imprisoned in Cuba were detained for participating in peaceful protests.

President Joe Biden’s decision to remove Cuba from the terrorism sponsor list comes during his final days in office. While viewed as a symbolic gesture, the move requires Congressional review. Biden’s predecessor and incoming president, Donald Trump, initially reinstated Cuba’s designation in 2021 during his first term and could revoke the decision after his inauguration next week.

The release of prisoners and the U.S. decision have sparked renewed calls from Cuba to end the decades-long trade embargo, which Rodríguez described as a critical step toward normalizing relations and addressing the economic challenges faced by Cuban citizens.

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