Former Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, a pivotal figure in shaping India’s economic trajectory, passed away on Thursday at the age of 92. His death follows a recent hospitalization for an illness, current Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced.
Singh served as India’s prime minister from 2004 to 2014, steering the nation through a period of rapid economic growth during his first term. Renowned for his expertise in economics and governance, Singh was a trusted ally of the Gandhi political dynasty and played a key role in modernizing India’s economy.
Born on Sept. 26, 1932, Singh’s tenure as a leader was marked by major reforms, including efforts to attract foreign investment and expand infrastructure. His contributions earned him widespread respect as a statesman, even as his government faced challenges during his second term.
Prime Minister Modi expressed condolences, calling Singh’s death a profound loss for the nation. “Dr. Manmohan Singh was a visionary leader whose contributions to India’s growth and development will always be remembered,” Modi said.
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