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Germany and Kenya Set to Sign Migration Deal to Boost Skilled Labor Recruitment

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Germany and Kenya Set to Sign Migration Deal to Boost Skilled Labor Recruitment

Germany and Kenya are poised to sign a significant migration agreement aimed at facilitating the recruitment of skilled labor from Kenya and managing the return of Kenyans without legal residency in Germany.

The agreement, set to be signed on Friday during Kenyan President William Ruto’s visit to Berlin, will be formalized by German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser and Kenyan Foreign Minister Musalia Mudavadi. The deal is part of Germany’s broader migration strategy to address labor shortages while managing immigration.

Germany’s coalition government has made such agreements a cornerstone of its migration policy, seeking to balance the need for skilled labor with concerns raised by both conservative and emerging political parties. Similar deals have already been secured with India and Georgia, with future agreements planned, including one during Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s upcoming visit to Uzbekistan.

Germany is also in ongoing discussions with countries such as Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, and the Philippines to expand these migration partnerships.

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