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Naira Falls by 2.4% Against Dollar, Closes at N1,678.87 in Official Market

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The Naira ended the week on a weaker note at the official market, closing at N1,678.87 to the dollar on Friday, marking a 2.4% depreciation from Thursday’s rate of N1,639.50.

According to data from the FMDQ Exchange, the Naira lost N39.37 in value against the dollar. Despite the depreciation, daily trading turnover saw a significant rise, reaching 1,403.76 million dollars, up from 244.96 million dollars on the previous day.

In the Investor and Exporter (I&E) window, the Naira fluctuated between N1,609.00 and N1,698.50 against the dollar throughout the trading day.

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  1. […] couple had a small wedding near their home in Maidstone, Kent, with a reception at a local pub in June. They shared honeymoon photos from Kos, filled with […]

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