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Obasanjo: Nigeria’s Lack of Progress Tied to Unimplemented Policies

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Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has warned that Nigeria’s development will remain stagnant due to the country’s failure to implement policies. Speaking at an event in Abuja, Obasanjo expressed concern over Nigeria’s tendency to take “one step forward and three steps backward” under its leadership.

The former president emphasized that Nigeria is not lacking in policies but blamed leaders for failing to execute them. “It is not enough for leaders to have policies or make statements. We are not short of policies in Nigeria,” Obasanjo said.

He lamented that the nation has become a “burial ground of unimplemented policies,” noting that progress is achieved through action, not mere intent. “Those who make progress do so by taking decisive actions. Unfortunately, in Nigeria, we often take two steps forward and three steps backward. This approach will continue to hinder progress in all aspects of national life,” he concluded.

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  1. […] out sweeping arrests, including 17 students linked to the murders and 28 others arrested during evictions at university residences in Abidjan and Bouaké. In total, over 5,000 illegal occupants were […]

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