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Pope Francis Condemns Israeli Strikes on Gaza Schools, Calls Violence ‘Ugly’

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Pope Francis Condemns Israeli Strikes on Gaza Schools, Calls Violence ‘Ugly’

Pope Francis has strongly criticized Israeli airstrikes on Gaza schools, describing the bombings as “ugly” and expressing sorrow over the ongoing violence in the besieged territory. Speaking aboard his flight to Rome after a 12-day tour of Southeast Asia and Oceania, the pope condemned the loss of Palestinian children’s lives during the conflict.

“I speak with members of a Catholic parish in Gaza daily, and they share with me heartbreaking stories of suffering,” the 87-year-old pontiff told reporters. He lamented the destruction of schools under the “presumption” of targeting Hamas fighters, calling it deeply troubling.

Francis voiced doubts about Israel’s commitment to peace, stating, “I do not believe steps are being taken toward making peace. It’s difficult to see hope in this situation.” His remarks come amidst escalating violence between Israel and Gaza, with international calls for an immediate ceasefire growing louder.

The pope’s condemnation is the latest in a series of appeals for peace as the humanitarian crisis in Gaza worsens.

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  1. […] coup attempt, which targeted the presidential palace in May, was led by opposition figure Christian Malanga, who was killed during the operation. Six people died in the failed uprising. Among those sentenced […]

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