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South African Experts Advise Pet Owners on Fireworks Safety

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By Halima Abdulkadiri

As New Year’s celebrations approach, South African pet experts are urging owners to take proactive steps to protect their animals from the stress caused by fireworks.

While fireworks are a cherished tradition for many, they can be a source of fear and distress for pets. Mandy Robinson, director of Spaniel Rescue South Africa, emphasized the need for pet owners to prioritize their animals’ safety during the festivities.

“Dogs are often terrified by thunder, lightning, and fireworks. They may jump over walls, get stuck on fences, or even go missing,” Robinson noted. “It’s vital for people to plan for their pets just as carefully as they plan their holidays. Pets should be part of your life every single day of the year.”

The combination of loud noises and bright flashes can overwhelm animals, but experts suggest several strategies to mitigate their stress.

Vanessa Fitzpatrick, who runs the Pet Connect charity, recommends consulting veterinarians for anti-anxiety or calming medications. “If you’re worried about your pet’s welfare during the fireworks, consult your vet and follow their prescription carefully,” Fitzpatrick advised.

Other suggested measures include using anti-stress jackets and playing calming music to create a soothing environment for pets.

With proper planning and care, pet owners can help their furry companions feel secure and calm amid the excitement of New Year’s celebrations.

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  1. […] her Instagram stories, adding a “wow” caption and a love emoji to show her admiration. She also commented on the kids’ Instagram post with multiple love emojis, further expressing her appreciation for […]

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