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Thousands Protest Barnier’s Appointment as French Prime Minister Amid Political Divide

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Thousands Protest Barnier’s Appointment as French Prime Minister Amid Political Divide

Thousands of demonstrators rallied across France on Saturday, protesting President Emmanuel Macron’s controversial appointment of conservative Michel Barnier as the new prime minister. The protests, led by the far-left France Unbowed party, challenged Macron’s decision to sideline left-wing candidates following the divided legislative election results in July.

In Paris, protestors gathered at Place de la Bastille, accusing Macron of undermining democracy by appointing Barnier, a figure with deep conservative ties. France Unbowed leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon fueled the protests, calling Barnier’s appointment a “power grab” that ignored the electorate’s will. He urged demonstrators to prepare for a long-term resistance.

Though nationwide turnout was modest, protests occurred in over 150 locations, reflecting the charged political climate. Meanwhile, Barnier, 73, met with healthcare workers in Paris, emphasizing his commitment to addressing public concerns. However, both far-left and far-right leaders have signaled that Barnier faces a turbulent road ahead in navigating the fractured National Assembly.

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