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Algeria’s President Tebboune Secures Victory in Early Election with 94.65% Vote

1 28

Algeria’s President Tebboune Secures Victory in Early Election with 94.65% Vote

Incumbent President Abdelmadjid Tebboune has been declared the winner of Algeria’s early presidential election held on September 7, securing a decisive 94.65% of the vote, according to the country’s electoral commission.

The results, reported by Algerie Presse Service, showed Tebboune’s overwhelming victory against his two main rivals. Abdelali Hassani Cherif, the candidate from the Movement of Society for Peace, garnered just 3.17%, while Youssef Aouchiche, secretary of the opposition Front des Forces Socialistes (FFS), received 2.16% of the vote.

With a voter turnout of 48.03%, Tebboune’s re-election solidifies his mandate for a second term as the country’s president. Algeria’s electoral law requires a candidate to secure over 50% of the vote to win the presidency, which is limited to two five-year terms.

The official election results are expected to be confirmed by Algeria’s Constitutional Court in the coming days.

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